Urban Counsellor


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Exploring the Lucrative Realm of Mental Health Careers: Opportunities and Growth

The world is awakening to the significance of mental health, steering the spotlight onto careers within this burgeoning industry. As societal awareness regarding mental wellness burgeons, so does the demand for qualified professionals in the field. The mental health industry is not just a realm of care; it’s an avenue teeming with opportunities and uncharted …

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Internships in Mental Health: Pioneering Change Through Experience and Expertise

Internships stand as invaluable gateways for aspiring mental health professionals, offering not only hands-on experience but also a profound impact on personal growth and career development. In the realm of mental health, these opportunities play a pivotal role, shaping individuals into empathetic and proficient practitioners while making a significant difference in the lives they touch. …

Internships in Mental Health: Pioneering Change Through Experience and Expertise Read More »

Stress Less, Live More: The Impact of Counselling Psychology

Counselling psychology stands as a cornerstone of mental health support, offering invaluable guidance to individuals grappling with emotional, behavioural, and psychological challenges. From the intricacies of relationships to personal struggles and developmental hurdles, counselling psychologists address a wide range of concerns, fostering both personal growth and resilience. A Multifaceted Role in the Digital Age Counselling …

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