Urban Counsellor

Violence & Abuse Counselling

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Our Services

Violence & Abuse Counselling

Have you experienced domestic violence or intimate partner abuse? This can encompass physical violence, sexual assault, stalking, or emotional/psychological harm inflicted by a current or former partner. If you’re seeking support, consider online therapy with a qualified professional. Urban Counsellor offers online consultations with psychiatrists and therapists in India, many specializing in domestic violence recovery.

Know More About Violence & Abuse

Facts about Violence & Abuse

🔹Glorification of Violence: Violence and abuse are sometimes glorified and used as tools to display toxic masculinity or dominance. This can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and behaviors.
🔹Dependency: Many individuals, especially women, encounter failed attempts to leave abusive partners due to financial, emotional, or physical dependency on the abuser.
🔹Learned Helplessness: Some victims may develop learned helplessness as a coping mechanism, choosing not to retaliate or leave the abusive relationship out of fear or a belief that they cannot escape.
🔹Power Imbalance: Violence and abuse often result from a power imbalance within the couple, where one partner seeks to control and dominate the other.
🔹Emotional Abuse: Emotional abuse is one of the most common and often overlooked forms of abuse. It includes behaviors like manipulation, belittling, and constant criticism.

Types of Violence & Abuse

🔹Physical Abuse: This includes physical harm, such as hitting, slapping, or pushing, causing bodily injury.
🔹Verbal Abuse: Verbal abuse involves name-calling, insulting, and using hurtful language to demean the victim.
🔹Emotional Abuse: Emotional abuse includes manipulation, constant criticism, isolation, and psychological control, causing emotional harm.
🔹Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse covers non-consensual sexual acts, including BDSM activities without consent.
🔹Fear and Guilt: Abusers often use fear and guilt to control their victims, making them afraid to leave or report the abuse.
🔹Impaired Functioning: Abuse can lead to impaired functioning in victims, affecting their mental and physical health, work, and daily life.
🔹Hampered Social Relations: Victims may experience strained relationships with friends and family due to isolation or shame.
🔹Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Some abusers use passive-aggressive tactics, such as giving the silent treatment or withholding affection.
🔹Anger Displacement: Abusers may displace their anger onto their partner, using them as a target for their frustrations.

Causes of Violence & Abuse

🔹Substance Abuse: Substance abuse, such as drug or alcohol addiction, can impair judgment and self-control, contributing to violent behavior.
🔹Stressors: Inability to handle life stressors, such as financial difficulties or job loss, can lead to increased tension within relationships, sometimes resulting in violence.
🔹Low Respect: Low mutual respect, a desire for power, dominance, and control over one's partner can be driving factors behind abusive behavior.
🔹Learned Behavior: Individuals may model abusive behavior they observed in their parents or become abusive as a result of their own experiences with abuse.

Therapy Approaches in Violence & Abuse Counseling

🔹Couple Counseling: Couple counseling can help address communication issues, establish healthy boundaries, and work on resolving conflicts within the relationship.
🔹Psycho-Education: Psycho-education can provide victims with information about the trauma-like symptoms caused by abuse and help them understand the dynamics of abuse.
🔹Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT can help individuals unlearn maladaptive behaviors and thought patterns associated with abuse while learning healthy coping mechanisms and self-esteem.
🔹De-Addiction Programs: If substance abuse is a contributing factor, de-addiction programs can address the addiction issues of the abusive partner and reduce the likelihood of violent behavior.

Complexities and Options Available

🔹Psychiatrist in India: You can find a directory of psychiatrists offering online consultations through a quick web search.
🔹Online Counselling: There are several online platforms offering counselling services with licensed professionals in India.
🔹Free Online Psychiatrist Consultation: Some organizations may offer limited free consultations with psychiatrists online. However, it's important to understand the scope of these services and explore other options for ongoing support.
